Monday, September 17, 2007

Home sweet home

Now that I'm back home, I started to think of all the places I considered home in the last few years and realized that I have nice pictures for some of them, while I was missing some for my actual home in as I was taking pictures out of my window and balcony, I thought that I may write one more blog-entry and make a photo album with all the nice pictures...
Obfelden (Zurich, Switzerland) is certainly still my main home as this is the place where my parents are, where I grew up and where I'm still living...for now... ;-) ...and I mean the view from that house where with nice weather you can see all the way to some mountains near Luzern is just nice...
San Fele (Basilicata, Italy) also has a special meaning as "home" for me, since this is where my parents came from, where lots of my relatives are and where we were supposed to move when I was a kid (after some time we realized that the opportunities for career and education were better in Switzerland and so we stayed there)...
Delft (Zuid-Holland, Netherlands) was my home for five months during my exchange semester at the TU Delft...certainly a nice place with all the canals and we certainly had a nice time in the UNITECH house there... ;-)
Hillsborough (New Jersey, USA) was certainly the least impressing home in terms of house and view...but well...I guess I don't have to write a lot about all my nice experiences in my six months in the States since the whole blog was about this anyway... ;-)

So...that's all for now...I don't think I'll write anything to this blog in the near future since I'm planning to stay in Switzerland for some time now...and studying at the ETH is not really something you can write a lot of interesting things about anyway... ;-), I'm closing the blog for now and thank everyone that was actually reading it from time to time...and greetings to everyone still in the States and also to all the ones that have left NJ to go back home by now...

Cu all sometime, somewhere...