Monday, July 2, 2007

Pictures and Maps

Just saw that they have a new feature on the Picasa Web Albums which now link the pictures to maps and the best thing is that it's extremely easy to use. For my albums I didn't even have to do a lot about it, since I had used the location tag on my albums anyway and now on my public gallery you can see a map on the lower right, showing all the album's locations. Then you can also go into one of the albums and link the pictures to a precise location. I tried that one for the Others Album and for some of the latest ones like the Toronto Album where you should set the Map to Hybrid/Satellite mode to understand the locations of the pictures taken on the CN Tower... ;-) I said a cool and easy to use feature...
I was also trying to embed google maps in the blog, but that doesn't seem to be that easy...but a workaround, you can just have a look at this link with some landmarks related to my stay here...and if someone knows an easy way to embed such a map on this blog, just let me know... ;-)
And one more thing: I went to a baseball game in Philadelphia last Thursday where the Phillies beat the Cincinnati Reds 8:7 in 10 innings...well seriously I can't imagine people watching this sport very often... ;-) ...but ok the stadium was well filled and the atmosphere was good...interestingly enough the atmosphere got even better when it started to that point people were not watching the game anymore anyway... ;-) ...and in the end there was also a firework with a nice countdown...on the big screen...which stopped at 10 and didn't continue... ;-) ...personally, I forgot my cam but Sascha took some pictures here...

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